Daughter-Father Dance Podcast
Episode 15: COVID Christmas Farewell


[00:00:00] Jenée Arthur: Hey Welcome back everybody. Sorry we are a week and a day late.  

As the title of the episode conveys, The Arthur family has been hit with the dreaded C-word. With a vengeance, I might add. Though I am relatively healthy right now, my very short 4 day trip to my hometown began with a 24-hour flu bug that knocked me on my ass for, well, 24 hours. It left me with residual post fever fun like a cough that makes me sound like I’m a 98 year old man hacking up a lung. 

Covid has cycled through a good part of my immediate family. My brother texted this morning to let us know that another one of my nephews tested positive and is now down for the count. That is 8 total family members who have been graced with Covid on this typically favorited holiday. 

This Christmas, in essence, sucked. We had to all stay in our bubbles. I barely saw my mom and dad. And we didn’t attend our typical traditional festivities like Rellihan meat pies, nor the Christmas Choir, where this year I was FINALLY going to get to sing BREATH OF HEAVEN solo. 

Dad and I obviously weren’t able to get together to pull off our Christmas surprise for you, but fear not. I will be adding ‘IN THE MEANTIME’ episodes to make good on my promises, and to hopefully keep you all around for when we come back in full force for Season Two later in the year. 

In other words, you haven’t heard the last of us.

Dad and I thank you all for being here with us for Season One. It’s been a fun and interesting ride together. 

Until we meet again— I hope you and your family are spared Covid or any other illness.

Stay healthy. Stay safe. Stay open to other people’s perspectives, and may 2022 be the very best year of your life so far.

See you next time. 

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